2024 Aspen Cyber Summit

Connecting the dots between the cybersecurity challenges of today and the topics that matter to you.

Join us for the 9th annual Aspen Cyber Summit in Washington, DC, on September 18!

Aspen Digital

Unbias the Future

An Equity Framework

The Tech Accountability Coalition's brand mark. Three colorful and translucent triangles overlap to create new shapes and shades.
March 28, 2023

Aspen Digital

The time for collective action across the tech industry is now. 

Throughout 2022, the Tech Accountability Coalition held conversations with over 100 tech leaders, experts, and community advocates. Their message was clear: the industry needs a shared set of standards to turn aspirational diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI) commitments into transformative action – action that sparks the innovation needed for a better future.

In response to that need, we developed the Equity Framework. This resource lays out common sense standards for how the industry defines terms, collects data, and shares progress. It’s an externally validated response to questions about the state of DEI in tech, and a practical roadmap for industry-wide improvement.

The Tech Accountability Coalition is being incubated with Aspen Digital, a future-focused policy program of the Aspen Institute. Learn more at TechAccountabilityCoalition.org.

Browse More Reports

Digital Equity Accelerator 2023 Impact Report

Digital Equity Accelerator 2023 Impact Report

10 nonprofits from 3 countries received technology tailored to their needs, cash grants from HP, and expert training across disciplines.



Local digital services have been hamstrung by an absence of data, poor community-government relationships, and insufficient digital literacy among populations.