2024 Aspen Cyber Summit

Connecting the dots between the cybersecurity challenges of today and the topics that matter to you.

Join us for the 9th annual Aspen Cyber Summit in Washington, DC, on September 18!

Aspen Digital

Topical Media Briefings

A closeup of the "D" in Aspen Digital's brand mark, framed by lines of descending shades of blue.
We seek to be a resource to news media, which is critical to keeping people informed about pressing issues in their communities, their country, and the world.

The Challenge

Newsrooms are challenged by fast-moving developments in technology, voting, and more.

Our Approach

Through our Media Briefings, we bring journalists together with subject-matter experts to share the latest information on and strategies for reaching the public with critical evidence-based coverage. Rooted in data and research, we introduce a range of experts with varying perspectives to help to expand news media’s understanding of topics ranging from COVID-19 vaccines to climate change.

ai MEDIA Briefings

A series of events and digestible resources that help journalists across beats advance a more complete and nuanced conversation on artificial intelligence


A non-partisan, invite-only conference for media executives, government officials, and election experts to discuss the challenges and opportunities of election coverage


An annual event focused on connecting journalists with industry leaders to identify and address current challenges in cybersecurity reporting