2024 Aspen Cyber Summit

Connecting the dots between the cybersecurity challenges of today and the topics that matter to you.

Join us for the 9th annual Aspen Cyber Summit in Washington, DC, on September 18!

Aspen Digital

Bits, Bytes, and Loyalty

How to Improve Team Retention

An illustration of blocks resembling a game of Tetris. It represents the concept of retention.
March 4, 2024

Aspen Digital

It’s not enough to hire great talent. You need to convince your employees to stay, too. As of 2020, 70% of surveyed cybersecurity professionals stated they are directly affected by talent shortages. Top talent is leaving cybersecurity due to heavy workloads and burnout, making retention one of the biggest problems facing the field today.

Organizations need to tackle the root causes of burnout if they want to build and maintain a 21st century workforce. By not equitably distributing workloads among staff or accounting for the unique challenges faced by underrepresented communities, cybersecurity leaders risk losing even more of their best.

If employers want to ensure good performers remain at their current organizations, and in the field itself, they must improve employee benefits along with internal communications, workplace flexibility, and growth opportunities.

In Bits, Bytes, and Loyalty, the US Cybersecurity Group offers actionable steps for cybersecurity executives interested in building more resilient workforces. Composed of influential industry and civil society leaders at the frontline of technology and security, the US Group is uniquely positioned to offer this roadmap to their peers.

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